I collaborated with the belgian YouTuber Balo to create a sleek and compelling 40s commercial for his newly designed “Ludkarto” decks of playing cards which just launched on Ulule.
The decks designs are embedded with reference to several cultures and people from history, and so the whole video hints at this diversity.
Finally the deck special design feature is an accent on the day/night cycle with each of the queen, jack and king having two sides with two color ranges and different features, which are underlined in the video.
Illustrative 3D models in the video created from models on Sketchfab under CC Attribution license by The Royal Armoury (Livrustkammaren), Dokono Kinoda, Joan LP, Global Digital heritage, Danderson4, Aung, HoangHiepVu, Em_kei, Mateus Schwaab & Rbrunet.